- If in exceptional circumstances you consider that you have received a faulty or damaged item, the fastest solution is to go to one of our stores. Once there, an employee will check the status of the item. In case you confirm the defect and the store has the item in stock, we will exchange or return the item according to your preference and the store's stock.
- If you do not have a store near you, we suggest that you contact our Customer Service department by email at [email protected], providing the order details and a photograph showing the damage suffered.
We will carefully examine the returned product and we will notify you by e-mail or telephone within a reasonable period of time if it proceeds to return or replace it (if applicable). The return or replacement of the item will be made as soon as possible and, in any case, within 15 days from the date on which we send you an email confirming that the return or replacement of the non-compliant item is appropriate.
The amounts paid for those products that are returned due to some defect or defect, when it actually exists, will be fully reimbursed, including the shipping costs incurred to deliver the item. The refund will be made in the same means of payment that was used to pay for the purchase.
IMPORTANT: Our quality department will carefully examine each case and will notify you if the exchange or return is approved due to the defect of the item or not.
The rights recognized by current legislation are protected.